Saturday, February 1, 2014

Evolution - A Crumbling Theory ( StreetChurch Adelaide )

Published on May 5, 2012

Prior to the discovery of DNA the only thing evolutionists and creation scientists had to debate about were the morphology of fossils, bones and living species. Because the fossil record was overwhelmingly against the theory of evolution; such as the fact that the predicted gradualism was never observed and intermediate species were rarely found; the theory of evolution was dying a slow death.

When DNA was discovered in 1953, the theory of evolution should have died on the spot because now creation scientists had a new tool to disprove the theory of evolution. That tool was probability. But the theory of evolution did not die even after the Wistar Symposium in 1966.

What has happened is that the scientific establishment's total and absolute control of the media has completely buried the mathematical and genetic problems with the theory of evolution.

The blacklisting of the problems with the theory of evolution is so complete that many people today do not even know that there are scores of anti-evolution books which are very critical of the theory of evolution.

But in the process of burying the creation scientists, the scientific establishment had a lot of outside help!! Various "charities," ultra wealthy families, and other organizations (such as the American Civil Liberties Union), spent many, many, many millions of dollars exercising their massive influence over the media, the universities (via grant money) and the courts to the extent that these outside groups came to the rescue of the scientific establishment.

In fact, for reasons left to conspiracy historians, the theory of evolution started to flourish and today it is a very, very dominant scientific theory even though the scientific establishment still cannot address even the simplest criticisms of the theory of evolution.

Seven reasons why it is impossible that the theory of evolution could ever have happened anywhere in the Universe will now be discussed in summary form. After these seven sections, some additional criticisms will be discussed.

The Adelaide Street Preachers are passionate about preaching the gospel in Adelaide. Street preaching has been God's main method of evangelism since Jesus began his ministry. That's why the Adelaide Street Preachers have dedicated their lives to the public proclamation of the gospel in the streets of Adelaide South Australia. If you want to contact the Adelaide Street Preachers please visit

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