Friday, November 22, 2013

School Teaches White Voters Are Racist

Opponents of the federal Common Core standards being implemented in schools across the U.S. have made significant hay out of numerous reports that many of its lesson plans promote leftist propaganda. Apparently, those responsible for compiling the supplemental coursework are intent on proving that point.

One of the latest outrageous items included in the curriculum is a book filled with the same race-based talking points common among the most rabid leftists on MSNBC.

A school in Dupo, Ill. has added the book, a biography of Barack Obama, to its fourth grade syllabus. Included in the material is the blatant accusation that white voters are inherently racist.

Despite the fact that Obama won both of his elections only with a great many white votes, Jane Sutcliffe’s book claims “white voters would never vote for a black president.”

Furthermore, the biased book claims that “angry voices” were responsible for raising concerns about Obama’s qualifications – including his allegiance to the unhinged theology of Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
While many Americans were upset that a man running for president supported an ideology that denigrated this nation, it had nothing to do with his race and everything to do with a desire to protect our common culture for future generations.

A group advocating against U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan exposed the unbelievably partisan rhetoric being taught to young children. According to the Facebook page for “Moms Against Duncan,” those in the Illinois school were required to answer questions about the book for a grade.
The group is asking concerned parents to stand up against Common Core and Duncan, who recently made the false claim that most of the criticism of this curriculum plan comes from “white suburban moms.”
Everything this administration does is tinged with racial overtones. The left relies on such allegations to avoid dealing with actual issues.

By exposing students to the same type of indoctrination, the spirit of honest debate on which our nation was founded will be even further eroded.


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