Thursday, March 23, 2017


Wow, for the comment on this video

I'm a lesbian atheist, and I think feminism (especially this third wave
bullshit) (just like any other ideology that comes off as a religious
sect) is pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

I rather hang out with a bunch of juggalos than a group of feminists
(which is saying a lot)

Third wave feminism does more to harm women's rights than it does to
help it.

Manspreading is not a real issue

video games are not a real issue

The "pink tax" is bullshit (the reason why it costs more for women's dry
cleaning is because women's clothes have to be manually hand-pressed,
which takes longer to do, while men's can be pressed in a machine
automatically. The machine cannot be used on the women's because it
could actually damage the machine, as well as the item that's being
drycleaned due to the actual shape of women's clothes). The reason why
women's shampoo costs more than men's is because women's shampoo
contains more ingredients which costs more to produce)

The Wage Gap is bullshit (it's an average earnings gap which takes into
account that men work more overtime, take less vacation time, less sick
days, and work longer work weeks in general, not to mention men don't
have the benefit of maternity leave).

a Dad saying their name is Hugh Mungus in a joking way is not "sexual

having a hula bobblehead in your car is not "racist"

wearing dreadlocks when you are white is not "racist"

Regretting giving clear consent for a man to sleep with you the day
after is not "rape" Regret isn't "rape"

Telling a woman her hair looks nice is not "sexual harassment" (I
actually had this one girl in my office who received a compliment from a
man over her hair, and she filed for sexual harassment, despite the
fact that the man who gave her the compliment was an openly gay
man...luckily for him, a judge (who by the way was a female) threw it
out of court.

Getting butt hurt over a scientist's t-shirt (designed by a woman) just
because it hurt your irrelevant feelings is pathetic. Bullying (and it
was bullying) that man to tears because of it, was even more pathetic.

Stating factual crime statistics about black people is not "racist"
since a fact cannot be racist.

It's not "discrimination" if a Doctor tells you that you need to lose
weight...which by the way angers me, because it's virtually always obese
people from My gender that cry "fat shaming", but very rarely do
overweight or obese males cry that bullshit

I used to identify as a feminist until this third wave nonsense creeped

Dirty jokes are just that...jokes. You can joke about anything. There is
a difference between jokes and serious conversations.

Most people who make "sexist", "racist", and/or "homophobic" jokes
usually aren't those things themselves..

Hell in fact, people who don't actually make these kind of jokes are
actually more likely to be these things.

This third wave bullshit is a slap in the face to the classical
feminists who actually contributed to society. Feminists like Christina
Hoff-Sommers for example, who got ridiculed by stupid morons like the
Laci Greens and Anita Sarkeesians of the world.

in short


I'm a lesbian atheist, and I think feminism (especially this third wave
bullshit) (just like any other ideology that comes off as a religious
sect) is pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

I rather hang out with a bunch of juggalos than a group of feminists
(which is saying a lot)

Third wave feminism does more to harm women's rights than it does to
help it.

Manspreading is not a real issue

video games are not a real issue

The "pink tax" is bullshit (the reason why it costs more for women's dry
cleaning is because women's clothes have to be manually hand-pressed,
which takes longer to do, while men's can be pressed in a machine
automatically. The machine cannot be used on the women's because it
could actually damage the machine, as well as the item that's being
drycleaned due to the actual shape of women's clothes). The reason why
women's shampoo costs more than men's is because women's shampoo
contains more ingredients which costs more to produce)

The Wage Gap is bullshit (it's an average earnings gap which takes into
account that men work more overtime, take less vacation time, less sick
days, and work longer work weeks in general, not to mention men don't
have the benefit of maternity leave).

a Dad saying their name is Hugh Mungus in a joking way is not "sexual

having a hula bobblehead in your car is not "racist"

wearing dreadlocks when you are white is not "racist"

Regretting giving clear consent for a man to sleep with you the day
after is not "rape" Regret isn't "rape"

Telling a woman her hair looks nice is not "sexual harassment" (I
actually had this one girl in my office who received a compliment from a
man over her hair, and she filed for sexual harassment, despite the
fact that the man who gave her the compliment was an openly gay
man...luckily for him, a judge (who by the way was a female) threw it
out of court.

Getting butt hurt over a scientist's t-shirt (designed by a woman) just
because it hurt your irrelevant feelings is pathetic. Bullying (and it
was bullying) that man to tears because of it, was even more pathetic.

Stating factual crime statistics about black people is not "racist"
since a fact cannot be racist.

It's not "discrimination" if a Doctor tells you that you need to lose
weight...which by the way angers me, because it's virtually always obese
people from My gender that cry "fat shaming", but very rarely do
overweight or obese males cry that bullshit

I used to identify as a feminist until this third wave nonsense creeped

Dirty jokes are just that...jokes. You can joke about anything. There is
a difference between jokes and serious conversations.

Most people who make "sexist", "racist", and/or "homophobic" jokes
usually aren't those things themselves..

Hell in fact, people who don't actually make these kind of jokes are
actually more likely to be these things.

This third wave bullshit is a slap in the face to the classical
feminists who actually contributed to society. Feminists like Christina
Hoff-Sommers for example, who got ridiculed by stupid morons like the
Laci Greens and Anita Sarkeesians of the world.

in short


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