Thursday, August 3, 2017

Kick The Fake Women Out Military

It's been just eight days since we helped win our latest victory when President Trump took the courageous step to ban transgender individuals from serving in the military. While the left is howling with protest, we join with the vast majority of the American people in applauding this action. The transgender agenda of LGBT extremists and President Obama has no place in the military. It's a costly and disruptive agenda that takes the military's focus off of the core mission of defending and protecting our national interests.
Unfortunately, the politically correct nature of the transgender agenda is so embedded within government that numerous military officials are openly contradicting President Trump's directive. The head of the US Coast Guard went so far as to personally assure a transgender member that he "would not turn my back" on him, commenting that, "We have made an investment in you and you have made an investment in the Coast Guard, and I will not break faith."
That means, just like in a military engagement, we need to continue the fight to hold ground we've already captured even as we push our fight forward. However, we can't do that without your support. Will you help?
To date, President Trump has not followed his directive with a formal order to the military, which allows reluctant officials to avoid acting on the transgender ban. We urge President Trump to make his transgender directive formal by issuing an order to the Secretary of Defense.
Obama's gender ideology has no place in the military, and it has no place in our public schools, either. That's why NOM helped lead the successful fight to repeal it earlier this year.
It's important to realize that independent scientific experts have established that children and teens who experience confusion about their gender will almost always grow out of that confusion once they go through puberty. But in today's environment, it's become so politically correct to kowtow to transgender activists that vulnerable young people are being deprived of commonsense, science-based advice from government, medical and educational professionals. Once these gender-confused young people get pushed onto the transgender train, they will face a series of debilitating "treatments" including puberty blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones, dressing/presenting as the opposite sex and oftentimes, sex-change surgeries. The lives of countless young people will be ruined by this gender train, people who would have been perfectly fine and lived normal and happy lives if they had just been left alone.
We're committed to fighting this dangerous transgender agenda, but we need your help. Can I count on you to make a financial contribution at this time?
We are working so hard on the gender issue not only because vulnerable children and concerned parents need our support, but because the issue is uniquely and intimately tied to the marriage fight. The push to redefine gender has flowed directly from the US Supreme Court's illegitimate Obergefell decision redefining marriage in the law. The left wants people to believe there is nothing unique about the gendered nature of marriage, and now they are arguing that there is nothing special about being innately male or innately female, that gender can be changed based on someone's emotions and feelings.
The truth of gender, like the truth of marriage, is that we depend on the complementarity of the two genders that God created for human flourishing to thrive. We need men and women to come together to marry, to form families, to raise children and to lift up society. We're going to do everything in our power to stop LGBT extremists from making further progress with their dangerous gender ideology, even as we continue to fight vigorously to restore marriage to our nation's laws.
Please help us successfully derail the transgender train by making a financial contribution to support NOM. Thank you.
Brian S Brown
Donate Today!

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