Friday, December 30, 2016

The Top 30 Fake Hate Crimes Busted Since Election Day

Image result for fake hate crimes

Since November 9, the day Donald J. Trump became the President-Elect of the United States, the media has erupted in reports of “hate crimes” against a large swath of liberal focus groups, especially Muslims. However, despite early reports, it also turns out that nearly every single one of those reports turned out to be a hoax. So, here are the top thirty fake hate crimes since Election Day.
But before we get to the list, though, at least one American Muslim has spoken up to tell his fellow Americans to stop it with the fake hate crimes. Siraj Hashmi took to the pages of Red Alert Politics to tell his fellows to just cut it out.
Hashmi warned the fakers that they are only hurting themselves along with anyone who might suffer a real hate crime by turning all so-called hate crimes into mere cries of wolf in the eyes of the American peole. Hashmi said, “please don’t make up a hate crime, especially when these incidents are so politically charged. Faking a hate crime questions the credibility of anyone and everyone who suffers from real hate crimes.”
It is sound advice, indeed. But the only flaw in Hashmi’s point is that, thus far at least, it seems as if the only “hate crimes” we are seeing ARE the fake ones!
Anyway, starting on the day after the November 9 announcement that Donald Trump was to become our 45th U.S. president, here are the top 30 fake hate crimes:
#1: Minnesota Police Say it Never Happened
On November 10 the Minneapolis Police Department assured the city that there was never any hate crime reported despite the rumors of one started on social media.
#2: Busted Tale of 4 White Men Harassing Black Woman in Delaware

In another story where police noted that they were never told of any such crime, a black woman in Delaware made the claim that four white men attacked her at a gas station in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. There is no proof it ever happened and the woman who made the claim deleted her Facebook post and disappeared from social media.
#3: Vandalism of Trump and Nazi Slogans Appears to be Black Man
Though police in Philadelphia refused to identify the race of a suspect in the spray-paint vandalism featuring pro-Trump and pro-Nazi slogans on a local building, surveillance video appears to show a black man is the top suspect.
#4: UL Student Busted for Lying About Racial Attack
The story of a University of Louisiana Lafayette student who said she was beaten and had her Muslim headscarf pulled of her head by mean “wearing Trump hats” fell apart after police became involved. The student later admitted she lied about the whole thing.
#5: Blacks Claim They Beat A Man for Flaunting His Vote for Trump
A group of black teens beat a white man and stole his car in Chicago because they claimed he was flaunting his vote for Donald Trump. Police investigated and found the man had no Trump paraphernalia or bumper stickers and he made no mention of Trump during the attack.
#6: SPLC ‘Report’ Portrays Many Fake Hate Crime Incidents as Real
The Southern Poverty Law Center are experts at fake hate crimes. Not because they report on them but because some of what they report is fake in and of itself! Indeed, just after the election the SPLC put out an absurd report regurgitating a list of crimes it claimed were hate crimes many of which were later proven to be hoaxes.
7:University Snowflakes Upset Over ‘Bye Bye Latinos’ Message, But Hispanic Wrote It
Snowflake students at Elon University in North Carolina were initially frightened by a message left on a classroom white board that read “Bye Bye Latinos Hasta La Vista.” But it later turned out a Hispanic student who was mad at Trump wrote the slogan on the board.
#8: Reporter Turns Trump Sign Into a ‘Sign of Racism’
A reporter talking about a “Trump for President” sign posted on the campus of the University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point decides that this MUST BE RACISM. There was nothing obviously racist about it, but the reporter made up his own fake news.
#9: USA Today Falsely Claims Hate Crimes See ‘Dramatic Rise’
A November 14 report in USA Today makes the false claim that hate crimes had seen a “dramatic rise” since election day. But most of these crimes have since been revealed as hoaxes.
#10: Chicago Student Claims She is Sexually Harassed
An openly bi-sexual student at North Park University in Chicago made national headlines after claiming she was sexually harassed by a sign taped to her door reading “Back To Hell #Trump.” She later admitted she made it all up.
#11: KKK Vandalism on Massachusetts Campus a Hoax
Students and faculty at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts, were shocked by vandalism reading “AMKKK Kill.” It was later found to have been a hoax perpetrated by liberal students pretending to be Trump supporters in order to stir up fellow liberals on campus.
#12: Kentucky Student Lies About Racial Slur
A student at Bowling Green State University told police she was attacked by white men in Trump shirts who threw rocks at her and called her names. After a police investigation, Eleesha Long admitted she lied about the whole thing.
#13: Police Find Racial Attack Never Happened
At the same time Eleesha Long was lying to police about an attack she never suffered at Bowling Green State University, police also took a report from a black man who claimed he was beaten, robbed, and had racial slurs yelled at him. Police later revealed that the incident as a hoax.
#14: Man Admits Vandalizing His Own Trunk
This hoax runs in the other direction as a white man in Texas reported a hate crime against him when his truck was vandalized with Black Lives Matter graffiti. Turns out he did it himself to gain sympathy and to reap the reward of the $6,000 sent to him by well wishers from a crowd source fundraising page.
#15: ‘Trump Country’ Attack Never Happened
A black man in Malden, Massachusetts, told police he was attacked by white men yelling that he was going to be lynched because this nation is now “Trump country.” Police discovered later that the “crime” never happened.
#16: College Snowflakes Call ‘Suck it Up Pussies’ Note a ‘Hate Crime’
Snowflake students at Edgewood College in Madison, Wisconsin, melted when a post it note saying, “Suck it up, pussies!” and featuring a smiley face with its tongue sticking out was found on a window of the Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion. School officials called the silly incident a “hate crime.” The claim couldn’t be sillier and qualifies as a fake hate crime, without question.
#17: Snowflake Professor Claims Anti-Muslim Hate Crime
University of Oklahoma Professor Mashhad Fahes claims she was handed anti-Muslim propaganda and that she reported this “hate crime” to campus police before running to Facebook to make a stir. Campus police, though, say no report was ever made so the professor’s claim seems to be nothing but anti-Trump propaganda.
#18: Trump Rules Painted on Wall, Hoax Hate Crime
Police in Philadelphia initially investigated spray-painted vandalism reading “Trump Rules” as a hate crime. But it turned out a black man committed the crime. So, it was hate-crimus interruptus for local police hoping for a big case to get in the news.
#19: University Student Suddenly Refuses to Help Investigation into So-Called Hate Crime Attack
Philadelphia authorities ended a hate crime investigation filed by a black Villanova University woman who claimed she was beaten by men yelling “Trump, Trump, Trump” because the so-called victim suddenly clammed up and refused to cooperate.
#20: Man Set Fire to Own Home to Create Fake Racial Incident
In a second case of the very few incidents where a white man perpetrated a racially tinged hoax, a New York fireman was arrested for setting his own home on fire in an effort to frame the Black Lives Matter movement for the crime.
#21: Black Man Pleads Guilty to Setting His Own Mosque on Fire
A black man in Texas pleaded guilty to setting his own mosque on fire in a case that was at first assumed to be an anti-Muslim hate crime.
#22: Black Man Admits Faking Trump/KKK Note
A black man in Orlando, Florida, told police that he was the victim of race hate when a brick was thrown through his girlfriend’s car window and a note reading “KKK” and “Trump” was left behind. Fire fighters immediately felt that the car fire was suspicious. He later admitted that he is the one who did the damage.
#23: Students Cleared of Hate Crime
Two students at Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts, were cleared after they were falsely accused of harassing other students with a Trump flag and by yelling “Make America Great Again.”
#24: Muslim Girl Admits Lying About Trump Attack
A Muslim teen in New York City said she was attacked by white men wearing Trump hats on the New York City subway. But the faux victim, teenager Yasmin Seweid, later admitted she lied to draw attention away from being in trouble with her parents for staying out too late and for wanting to date a white boy.
#25: Sister Claims Hate Crime Happened Even Though it Didn’t
In a second story related to Yasmin Seweid’s lies about being attacked in a New York subway, the faker’s sister, Sara Seweid, went public to insist that her sister was still a victim of anti-Muslim hate because evil American society made her lie. So, even when a hate crime isn’t committed… it’s a hate crime… or… or something.
#26: Muslim Arrested for Nazi Graffiti in New York
Police imagined they had a hate come on their hands when Nazi Swastikas were left on walls at Long Island College. Police later called the incident a hoax and charged a 20-year-old Muslim man, Jasskirat Saini, for the crime.
#27: Muslims Claim They Are Thrown Off Delta Airline Flight Just for Being Muslim
A pair of Youtube cretins manufactured a video to make it look like they were thrown off a Delta Airlines flight just because they were Muslim. Later reports showed they were lying and intended to be thrown of so they could make a hoax video of the whole faux incident.
#28: Michigan College Dismisses Hate Crime Hoax
Police in Ann Arbor, Michigan, were forced to dismiss a hate crime report when no evidence could be found for claims made by a Muslim woman who said she was attacked by a Trump supporter. Video from half a dozen different surveillance cameras in the area not only didn’t show the alleged attack, they video didn’t even prove the “victim” was there, either! The woman later admitted she was a lair.
#29: Mississippi Church Burning Committed by Black Man, Not Trump Voter
Police in a small, predominantly black Mississippi town have now proven that a black man burned a local black church and left Trump related graffiti. The “hate crime” aspect of the investigation has been canceled.
#30: Man Found to Have Vandalized His Own Home With ‘Ni**er’ Graffiti
For a third tale of da-white-man-dunnit, a white man in Texas has been charged with filing a false report after police found out he spray-painted “Ni**er Lovers” on his own garage.
With all this, there is a lesson. There may, indeed, be a lot of hate in the U.S.A. After all, it is the human condition. But this wild-eyed claim that there are hate crimes being perpetrated everywhere is far more of a myth than a reality.

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